With intelligent processes and innovative services, momatec GmbH makes a significant contribution to securing mobility, improving traffic safety and protecting the environment. Our services relate to all stages of the business process from research to conceptual design and creation to the operation of management solutions.
Our services support you in designing a future-oriented and sustainable mobility.
Traffic management
A coordinated management of road, traffic and telematic infrastructure ensures that investments in road infrastructure are used efficiently. The implementation of management measures requires a strategy that is documented in management plans. The basis for success is created by defining a minimum quality of processes and products. This basis is to be ensured every day by the acting people with the available means in an optimal and resource-saving way.
momatec ensures that people, IT systems, road and telematics infrastructure work together efficiently and that all required data is available and usable in the cloud for the benefit of everyone involved.
We develop the right strategy!
With our software ALMO®, we have the right tool for you.
Intelligent traffic management
momatec GmbH ensures that traffic data is kept complete, up-to-date and plausible and thus forms the basis for the planning and economic operation of traffic control systems. Our data analysis services include:
- provision of time series for traffic management and forecasts
- definition, optimization and supply of strategies
- for network control
- for regional traffic management
- for international corridors
- developmnet of data archives
- creation of intelligent and high quality solutions for handling traffic at events or roadworks
- hosting software and server components for
- strategy management
- roadwork and incident management
- event management
- monitoring and benchmarking the quality of live traffic data
- provision of data for traffic statistics
Information services
momatec GmbH supports you in merging distributed information and integrating it into further services. Our information services include:
- provision of intermodal and consistent traffic information
- preparation and presentation of the current traffic situation
- generation of integrated services for congestion information and routing services
- provision of value-added services
- integration of standardized traffic information
- distribution of traffic alert messages
- analysis of technical and organizational framework conditions for the provision and integration of data and information
- planning and specification of the content and layout of individual portal solutions for traffic information
- specification and implementation of the interfaces to traffic engineering subsystems
- integration of traffic forecast services
- optimization of services for use via mobile devices
- hosting of software and server components for traffic information portals
- operation of traffic information portals (see e.g. verkehr.nrw)
- operation of applications as hosted services
Research and development
momatec GmbH works on research projects in which we develop a variety of data-driven processes and test new data and services.
momatec GmbH is the office of the association “Kompetenzplattform Kommunales Infrastrukturmanagement Straße e.V.” (www.kim-strasse.de) and in this context is also active in the cross-sectional committee “Information Technology” of the Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV). We head the group “QK 3.2 Übertragung von übergeordneten IT-Standards aus dem Straßenwesen für die Bedürfnisse von Kommunen”.
Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.
Albert Einstein
Bauen unter Betrieb – Verkehr unter Kontrolle
Bei der Abwicklung komplexer Großbaustellen auf wichtigen Hauptverkehrsadern hat die momatec GmbH einzigartige Erfahrungen aufgebaut. Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, einen Interessensausgleich zwischen der Optimierung des Baubetriebs sowie der Aufrechterhaltung eines flüssigen und sicheren Verkehrs zu finden. Die momatec GmbH stellt dabei sicher, dass der „knappe“ Verkehrsraum in der jeweiligen Verkehrssituation angemessen und intelligent genutzt wird.
Gerne unterstützten wir Sie bei der Planung und dem Betrieb von temporären Telematik-Ergänzungsmaßnahmen im Zulauf der Baustelle, in kritischen Bereichen in der Baustelle sowie beim Überleiten und Ein- und Ausfädeln. Auch unterstützen wird Sie bei der Integration von Daten und Anzeigeinhalten in die Verkehrszentrale.
Ferner überwacht die momatec GmbH die Datenqualität und stellt sicher, dass der mögliche Nutzen der Maßnahme realisiert wird. momatec dokumentiert sämtliche Vorgänge und Daten während des Betriebs und weist den erzielten Nutzen nach.